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  • SaudadeRPGTensions are rising between purebloods and... everyone who isn't a pureblood.

    Wand Informationby Admin Mon Jun 03, 2024 11:57 am
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    Wand Information R.88b4cb2ebf53598e57963512b3852ac4?rik=Cxyae4LOc9q%2bDw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fpm1.narvii.com%2f6059%2f4a5d95bd60b5c1494e1e3cced37e7c417f8c2b4c_00

    Wand Lengths range from 8 inches to 15 inches. (the shorter your wand the more dramatic you are, the longer your wand the less personality you have)
    8:Reasonably Supple
    1:Acadia - Loyal. These wands only work for their owner. The colors cast with or touched by this wand tend to become muted.
    2:Alder - These wands pair well with considerate and likable owners and grant a +40% to the owner's health as long as the wand is on hand.
    3:Apple - These wands are easily overwhelmed so if they are primarily used for either offensive or defensive spells, they will buffer. (+20% chance of backfiring spells)
    4:Ash - Loyal yet stubborn. Ash Wands look for owners who are not insensitive, arrogant or overall stupid. When brewing a potion for good intentions, the potion automatically grants a +5% health no matter what it is made for.
    5:Aspen - Selected for those who are determined or are attracted to quests and new orders but at the same time they are very defiant and are talkative. Excellent for charms and duelling but absolutely horrendous at healing. When using a healing spell with this wood, you have a 30% chance that the healing spell will deal damage to the target.
    6:Beech - They prefer a narrow-minded and intolerant owner. When spells are cast underwater, they are not effective.
    7:Blackthorn - Those who use this wood are typically expected to go through bonding so that any sort of spells cast will have a (+5%) increased chance of hitting the target. Prefers danger and hardship.
    8:Black Walnut - Difficult to master. This wood is not a fan of dark magic and will shake slightly as a precaution that it does not want to cast a dark spell. Prefers owners who are honest and have fewer conflicts with themselves.
    9:Cedar - Highly loyal wands. They tend to prefer those who have insight and perception. The wands will develop a crack in the wood every single time a magical battle is lost with it.
    10:Cherry - These wands are typically considered to be lethal (+15% damage with offensive spells cast/+15% healing) in power. They look for those who have self control and mental strength.
    11:Chestnut - Best used for Transfiguration. These wands make it possible for more elaborate physical changes than what the normal boundaries would allow. They prefer someone who cares about justice.
    12:Cypress - These wands are associated with Hades and are therefore deemed heroic. They grant a +10% health every time the target reaches unconsciousness and +20% for the owner of the wand. They prefer those who are brave, self-sacrificing and bold.
    13:Dogwood - Playful, mischievous, demanding, needy. If you do not tend to these wands and talk to it every 15 minutes, you risk the wand barking nonstop until it is coaxed back into being quiet. They prefer those who are resilient and ingenious.
    14:Ebony - Dazzling and desperate. Much like a rich person who has fallen on hard times, if you don't reward the wand with a daily waxing, the wand will (+10% chance) snap and create dramatic and vivid visuals but be incredibly weak in damaging a person (50% less damage).These wands prefer those who don't conform to society and are individualistic.
    15:Elder - Unlucky and tricky. These wands unfortunately do not live up to legend and instead are just known for their fame and have no special benefit or cons. They prefer those who they deem highly unusual.
    16:Elm - Elm wands create less accidents and errors (5% auto success) and perform more elegant spells. They prefer those who are snooty or are elitists.
    17:English Oak - The loyalty of the wand matches the loyalty you give it. If you don't take care of your wand, you risk the wand backfiring spells on you, on purpose. If you take care of it as if it were your own precious baby, the wand will create spells of the most vivid effects of all times.
    18:Fir - Resilient. These wands choose those who are strong in behavior and is focused and willing and can potentially be deemed intimidating. If you're indecisive or distracted, the wand emits an illusion that it has cracked and blown itself into smithereens when it has in fact not done so.
    19:Hawthorn - Contradictory. These wands love healing and curses and excel at both, giving a +5% chance of auto-success when casting healing spells or curses. They prefer those who have a conflicted nature or is going through hardships.
    20:Hazel - Sensitive. The wand absorbs the emotional energy of the owner and emits it through its discharges unpredictably when its negative. It prefers those who are loyal. When the owner of the wand dies, hazel wands will wilt, rendering it useless for future casters. Hazel wands also emits a puff of smoke every time underground water is below the owner's feet.
    21:Holly - Great at repelling evil! This means that any offensive spells cast with this wood will be met with a 10% auto-fail. They prefer those who are the most innocent and kind.
    22:Hornbeam - Difficult. These wands prefer those who are stubborn and unwilful. The wand will not cast any spells that go against the owner's code of honor and will find incredible difficulty to even cast the simplest of spells.
    23:Larch - Self-assured. They prefer to select those who lack confidence. When the owner accepts the wand as an extension of themselves, they find themselves happier, wanting to do things with people, finding it hard to be depressed.
    24:Laurel - Honorable. If a spell goes against your morals or ethics, the wand will not cast it but instead emit a warm wave from the wand that makes it feel like you're being surrounded by a warm hug. This wand chooses those who are not lazy. If someone tries to steal a Laurel wand, a random lighting strike will occur and will strike the thief.
    25:Maple - Adaptable and sturdy. These wands must actively do things otherwise they will wilt and die if they don't get at least two hours a day of spells being cast or a potion being stirred with it. They prefer those who are high achievers.
    26:Pear - Superb. They prefer those who are generous and wise. They have the ability to look brand new despite being used for numerous years.
    27:Pine - Weak. These wands prefer those who are likely to be bullied or pushed around. The wand has a 15% chance of breaking every time it is used to cast spells. (there's a reason why you get 12 packs of these per semester by the wandmaker's own kindness, he knows pine wands are cruel like that)
    28:Poplar - Reliable and consistent. They prefer those who have a clear and moral vision. Those who use this wand will find themselves with a [this] wand that lights up green when correctly casting a spell and lights red if it is not correctly cast.
    29:Red Oak - Loyal. Those who obtain this wand must be faithful, friendly, strong and have courage. Those who have this wand are typically great with intuition and any form of divination.
    30:Redwood - Stubborn. These wands do not like bonding with a witch or wizard who are capable of wandlessly casting spells, causing it to wilt away without being used. They tend to select those who are lucky and have good fortune.
    31:Rowan - Willing and reliable. These spells grant a +10% to the durability of a defensive charm (in terms of shield spells). They prefer those who are pure at heart.
    32:Silver Lime - Gorgeous. Those who use this wand have an increased chance of being able to interpret dreams. They prefer those who are manipulative, gullible and hideous.
    33:Spruce - Reliable. These wands prefer those who are not overly cautious or nervous, and if in the hands of those who fumble their fingers, they can backfire and severely injure someone. Spells cast with this wand grant the owner +2 doses to a potion they brew with the wand.
    34:Sycamore - Adventurous. These wands prefer those who are going to do the unpredictable day after day rather than to follow a uniform set of rules and procedures. The wands do catch on fire if the owner has them cast or do the same thing every single day.
    35:Vine - Insecure and erratic. They need an owner who has a hidden depth to their personality. When casting a spell with this wand, the target has a 5% chance of finding themselves incapacitated for (1) a round.
    36:Walnut - Strong and adaptable. These wands choose those who are creative and intelligent. When the wand is well-bonded with its owner, the owner can practically have the wand programmed to cast a basic radius spell (nondamaging, nonoffensive/nondefensive)
    37:Willow - Enchanting. These wands prefer those who choose good over evil. The wand works best with healing magic, granting a +15% boost to the health of the target.
    38:Yew - Chaotic. These wands prefer those who are fiercely protective of others. The wand unfortunately does not have any special boosts or cons to its name with the exception of wilting when it is not maintained every 2 weeks.
    1:Abraxan Hair - Stubborn, unruly. This wand can cause your clothes to randomly vanish (40% of 1d100 on a 60-100) in the most embarrassing situation if you have your wand on hand.
    2:Abraxan Feather - Strong, balanced. This wand will glow with fire during the day and at night it will act as a white-noise maker.
    3:Acromantula Web - Respectful, vioatile. Casting light charms in the proximity of the wand with this core have a 5% chance (every round) of backfiring and causing damage.
    4:Antipodean Opaleye Dragon Heartstring - Soft in nature yet does not like to deal as much damage for curses, and with curses cast with this wand, scars are not left behind.
    5:Ashwinder Ash - Protective. When casting with this wand, you have a 10% chance of having a shield surround you and an equal 10% chance (for the opponent targeting you) to penetrate the shield so it can't come back for an entire day, leaving you vulnerable.
    6:Augrey Tail Feather - Misunderstood. Prefers spells that have to do with summoning (ie: sauce conjuring spell/summoning charm) and doesn't require you to know the exact location, unlike everyone else who have to.
    7:Basilisk Skin - Dangerous. Prefers for dark spells to be cast, but when healing spells are cast in the proximity, only 50% of the original health gained will be siphoned into the caster.
    8:Billywig Stinger - Prone to change. 10% chance of auto crit-failure on a 1d100 (1-10), 10% chance of auto crit-success on 1d100 (90-100).
    9:Boggart Skin - Difficult, traumatic, powerful. Gives the opponent the illusion (Disadvantage rolls/lowest of 2 accuracy rolls/ against the caster with the boggart skin core) that they're up against the thing they fear most. The Boggart banishing spell will NOT work against this.
    10:Boomslang Venom - Dangerous, high risk. All dark potions and spells cast with this wand will have a +20% damage AND a more painful scar/marking inflicted.
    11:Bowtruckle Skin - Mischievous. +3 doses to all potions brewed that have a connotation to mischief (think Turbo Farts) and -1 dose to any potions that will benefit the drinker.
    12:Catalonian Fireball Dragon Heartstring - Stubborn but reliable. This core loves fire or heat and will always emit heat to the touch when touching the wand.
    13:Centaur Tail Hair - Psychic, Watcher. These wands prefer to cast defensive spells and to avoid actively casting damaging offensive spells so they can watch the drama unfold.
    14:Chimera Scale Fragment - Near-invincible. These wands are best used for offensive spells but are extremely difficult to control.
    15:Chinese Fireball Dragon Heartstring - Flamboyant. This wand loves to make any spells vibrant and elaborate.
    16:Common Welsh Green Dragon Heartstring - Forgiving, yet tricky to handle. This wand requires additional flourishing before any spells can be cast.
    17:Demiguise Hair - Powerful, Scared. When the wand find itself or the caster in danger, the wand will turn invisible and burn the caster to the point where they will drop the wand and lose it.
    18:Dittany Stalk - Humble and humane. +10% healing with healing spells and +2 additional doses from a potion brewed.
    19:Doxy Hair - Mean, powerful, unpredictable. 50% chance that a spell cast from this wand could be an entirely different and randomly chosen spell that the caster knows rather than the one that was intended to be cast.
    20:Doxy Wings - Unmanageable, Prestigious, temperamental. These wands will fly around an enclosed area to stay out of your reach and is difficult to catch unless you keep a firm grip on it.
    21:Erkling Fang - Speedy. Spells cast with this wand will hit the target or be cast much faster than it normally would be cast. (-50% target dodge)
    22:Erupent Hide - Gentle. Will not cast spells that will puncture the target.
    23:Fairy Wing - Positive, uplifting. +10% chance of casting a spell that will cause your teammates or allies to have +5% the total health.
    24:Fwooper Feather - Wary. Spells that have to do with confusing, volume or messing with the mind have a 15% chance of backfiring.
    25:Hebridean Black Dragon Heartstring - Unforgiving and vicious, can hold grudges against opponents and its owner for years. When the wand does not forgive, a miscast can result in additional damage or messes while the wand might forgive, the wand celebrates on a success by doing just the same, additional damages or messes.
    26:Hippogriff Feather - Respectful. If no respect is given to the wand, the spell will backfire. If respect is given, the spell has a 5% chance of backfiring.
    27:Hungarian Horntail Dragon Heartstring - Patient yet cruel. Capable of casting dark spells that may cause maiming to the target no matter how simple and seemingly painless a dark spell might be.
    28:Kelpie Hairs - Tempermental - Rarely backfires any transfiguration spells.
    29:Mermaid Scales - Greedy. Will not cast any healing spells.
    30:Mermaid Hair - Loyal. Doubles the original boost to healing.
    31:Norwegian Ridgeback Dragon Heartstring - Durable. Capable of not breaking no matter what type of care it is in, abusive or not.
    32:Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon Heartstring - Speedy. Wand movements are nearly impossible to follow and track due to its speed.
    33:Phoenix Tail Feather - Eccentric, finicky, stubborn and enduring. Part of the time, a spell cast using this wand have a chance of splitting to two targets or more than the original target count.
    34:Portuguese Long-Snout Dragon Heartstring - Temperamental and stubborn. Will not cast spells unless physically talked to by the owner of the wand (coaxing), will not work for any other caster of the wand unless the owner casts a spell.
    35:Romanian Longhorn Dragon Heartstring - Bold, stubborn. These wands create dramatic and elaborate versions of the spells that are being cast yet refuse to cast for anyone other than the owner.
    36:Swedish Short-Snout Dragon Heartstring - Unique, eccentric. The wand will often levitate a few feet off of the ground but also make fire spells hotter and ice spells colder.
    37:Thestral Tail Hair - Strong, exclusive. Spells cast with this wand will only work IF the caster understands themselves. They can make a target turn invisible for 1 minute if casting a Dark Arts spell.
    38:Ukrainian Ironbelly Dragon Heartstring - Traumatic, unlucky. This wand shakes slightly (think massaging tool) when near danger.
    39:Unicorn Tail Hair - Pure, faithful. You cannot get a wand with Unicorn Tail Hair to cast a dark spell or any spells that would be considered 'Dark Arts'.
    40:Vampire Fangs - Versatile, loyal. This wand does well with either the darkest or lightest magic but will falter with spells that are considered to be 'in between'.
    41:Veela Hair - Volatile, temperamental. These wands do the best with divination and make grander-looking spells.
    42:Werewolf Hair - Strong. Best used to cast practical charms rather than to heal someone.
    43:Werewolf Nails - Courageous. Best with spells that will cause the target to suffer or deal with damage to their body, such as with Curses and Hexes.
    44:Werewolf Saliva - Loyal. Creates double the original dose size in all potions brewed.
    45:Werewolf Whiskers - Volatile. Best used for transfiguration and requires less concentration than the average caster.

    Wand Application: https://saudaderpg.forumotion.com/t8-wand-application#10
    Posts : 7
    Join date : 2024-05-29
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