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  • SaudadeRPGTensions are rising between purebloods and... everyone who isn't a pureblood.

    Blood Statusesby Dorkasaurus Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:39 pm
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    Blood Statuses Patron10
    In the Wizarding World, there are three primary blood types that are known and acknowledged when it comes to businesses and academies. SaudadeRPG currently only allows those who are in these primary blood types to attend the schools of witchcraft and wizardry, making those your only playable characters.

    Primary Blood Statuses
    - Muggleborn
    - Halfblood
    - Pureblood

    Muggleborn children are born and raised in the Muggle World, typically. They are conceived from 2 muggle parents or by 1 muggle parent and a muggleborn parent.

    Halfblood children are born and raised in either worlds, Muggle and Wizard. A Muggle and Halfblood can conceive a Halfblood while a Pureblood and a Halfblood can do the same. Pureblood and Muggleborn- again, does just the same. A Half-Blood is a blood status in wizards that do not have pureblooded lineage within the past 3 generations and the past 2 generations for muggle blood.

    Pureblood children are born and raised in the Wizarding World. They are considered pureblooded if they are conceived from 2 pureblood parents, or a 4th generation halfblood and pureblood.

    Basically any form of mixing and matching relies on how many generations back the blood status began.

    In order to be considered a Halfblood when you have Muggleborn in your ancestory, your character's parents need to be conceiving from a halfblood and/or pureblood parent. To be considered a Pureblood, your parents need to either be purely pureblood or be marrying purebloods for 3 generations, making you the 4th generation and the first pure pureblood. It's quite simple.

    Secondary Blood Statuses
    - Half Breed
    - Purebred

    These blood statuses are not used in roleplay right now.
    Half Breeds and Purebreds have parent(s) that are considered beings from the Ministry of Magic. Such examples of beings are half-giants, half-goblins, goblins, pukwudgies, part-vampires, and part-veelas. Vampires and Giants aren't exactly beings, but they do count. To make a being, one must be intelligent enough to understand the laws and regulations of the magical community and how to act.

    To be a Half-Breed, the parents must be either be both Halfbreeds, 1 Halfbreed and human, 1 purebred and human, or 1 purebred and 1 Halfbreed.

    To be a Purebred, the parents must be either both 3rd generation halfbreeds or both purebred. (This makes you 4th generation, 1st Purebled)

    Generational blood status also applies to Secondary Blood Statuses, as your blood legacy won't always be Halfbreed forever, it has to become something else at some point in time. To become a purebred from generations of halfbreed, you will need to be the 4th generation of having halfbreed relatives marry and conceive a child with purebred.
    Posts : 5
    Join date : 2024-06-03
    Age : 18
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